Cosmetic Surgeries

Cosmetic surgery and procedures change, restore, or enhance your appearance. There are many reasons for wanting to change or enhance your looks.

Breast augmentation is the surgical placement of breast implants and can be performed to make smaller breasts appear larger, balance breasts that are asymmetrical or restore fullness that has diminished with age or as a result of pregnancy. Often, breast augmentation surgery is performed in conjunction with a breast lift, which improves the position and shape of sagging breasts. Implants may also be used to restore a breast that is lost to mastectomy or injury.

Augmentation is a very successful operation for enlarging the breasts, so that they are in proportion with the rest of your figure. You will however be left with neat, inconspicuous scars, which are in the fold underneath the breast. Alternatively, the incisions may be made around the areola or in the armpit. There is no damage to the breast tissue, from augmentation, and you can breastfeed should you become pregnant following this surgery. You will be advised before your operation, regarding size, shape benefits and risks, and any questions you may have will be answered.

Breast reduction surgery reduces the size of overly large breasts by removing skin and breast tissue. There are two major benefits of breast reduction surgery: relief from pain and increased personal satisfaction with appearance. In many cases, quality of life is improved by alleviating pain in the back, neck and shoulders, and by allowing both women and men to feel less conscious about breast size.

It is performed under general anesthesia and requires about 2 days of post operative hospital stay.

Gynaecomastia is an enlargement of male breast as a result of an increase in the breast gland tissue and or fat. Gynaecomastia can be corrected either by liposuction or by doing breast reduction.

About the breast implant:

It has an outer layer of silicone and may be filled with silicone gel saline or oil.

There is no evidence of silicone breast implant to be associated with incidence of breast cancer.

There is no evidence of the implants to cause autoimmune diseases.

It does not interfere with breast feeding.


  •  Leakage of silicone
  •  Pain, hardness
  •  Bleeding and infection

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation



Axillary Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation