Cosmetic Surgeries

Cosmetic surgery and procedures change, restore, or enhance your appearance. There are many reasons for wanting to change or enhance your looks.

Oculoplastic surgery is a general term used to represent a variety of procedures that involve the orbit, eyelids, tear ducts, and the face. Ocular Reconstructive (Plastic) surgery, aesthetic (Cosmetic) eyelid surgery, facial plastic surgery, and cosmetic procedures fall into this category. Some types of oculoplastic surgery are considered both medically necessary and cosmetic. For instance, certain eyelid and periocular issues can affect a person's appearance as well as their vision, eye comfort, and eye health.

Oculoplastic surgery is usually performed by a plastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist who is trained for such specialized procedures. Surgeries include eyelid abnormalities, tear problems, orbital trauma, orbital disease or congenital abnormalities.

Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic Surgery